Search term:
Case-sensitive? yes
exact fuzzy

TIPS ON SEARCHING: Since I have not perfected this function yet, you will have to make due with what I have for now. But here are some ways to make your search easier. Let's say you are looking for entries from The Daily Journal on "cheese". Just type "cheese" into the box and click the "Start Search" button. Pray. Pray hard that this works. Ok, if there are pages from The Daily Journal with the word "cheese" in them, they will come up in the list that is generated from the evil underpaid gnomes that live in our server (be nice to them). Click on an entry and's the part where YOU have to do a little work...use your web browser to find the word on that page. For instance, using MS Internet Explorer, click on "Edit" and choose "Find on This Page". Type in the word(s) you are searching for and begin to foam at the mouth. I'm sure you can do this on Netscape as well, but I don't have it in front of me and the evil gnomes don't like it when I talk about "Netscape" too much. So, with that, I wish you happy searching.

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