TDJ Translations

November 3, 1999
It's autumn, and love is in the air. There is also a strong aroma of ham salad coming from my desk, and I believe there seems to be a hint of hollandaise sauce emanating from the next room.

Č autunno e l' amore č nell' aria. Ci č egualmente un aroma forte dell' insalata del prosciutto che viene dal mio scrittorio e credo che ci sembri essere un suggerimento della salsa del hollandaise che deriva dalla stanza seguente.

From Italian back to English...
It is autumn and the love is in the air. There is equally an aroma strongly of the insalata one of the prosciutto that it comes from my scrittorio and creed that us seems to be a suggestion of the sauce of the hollandaise that it derives from the following room.

Es ist Herbst und Liebe ist in der Luft. Es gibt auch ein starkes Aroma des Schinkensalats kommend von meinem Schreibtisch, und ich glaube, daß es scheint, ein Tip der hollandaisesoße geben ausströmend vom folgenden Raum.

From German back to English...
It is autumn and love is in air. There is also a strong flavour of the ham salad coming from my desk, and I believe that it seems, a tip the hollandaisesosse give leaking out from the following space

Es otońo, y el amante está en el aire. Hay también un aroma fuerte de la ensalada del jamón que viene de mi escritorio, y creo que se parece haber una indirecta de la salsa del hollandaise que emana del cuarto siguiente.

From Spanish back to English...
It is autumn, and the lover is in the air. There is also a strong aroma of the salad of jamón that comes from my writing-desk, and I believe that it looks like to have a hint of the sauce of hollandaise that emanates of the fourth following one.

C'est automne, et l'amour est dans le ciel. Il y a également un arome fort de salade de jambon venant de mon bureau, et je crois qu'il semble y a un conseil de sauce ŕ hollandaise émanant de la prochaine salle.

From French back to English...
It is autumn, and the love is in the sky. There is also ham a strong salad aroma coming from my office, and I believe that there seems is a sauce consulting with Dutchwoman emanating from the next room.

É outono, e o amor está no ar. Há também um aroma forte do salad do presunto que vem de minha mesa, e eu acredito que parece haver uma sugestăo do sauce do hollandaise que emanating do quarto seguinte.

From Portuguese back to English...
It is autumn, and the love is in air. Aroma strong of salad of presunto has also one that it comes of my table, and I believe that he seems to have a suggestion of sauce of hollandaise that emanating of the following room.











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